Create collection


This Step template creates a storage (collection) that will contain documents that match the description of the collection. A collection is a group of related documents that are searchable together. You can define additional properties to store custom metadata associated with the passages within the collection.


There are two options for authorization:

  1. Inherit from previous Flow (chosen by default)
  2. Manual token (you can manually enter the token)

Collection settings

  • Name: this is a unique collection name that you create for adding LookUp documents. It will be displayed as a "Collection name" and used in a collection search. This field is required and is empty by default.
  • Description: the description of the collection content that will be used in a collection search. This field should contain the text that describes the subjects of the documents that will be added to the collection. This field is required and is empty by default.

Merge field settings

The content is returned at the requested URL. The returned data is an object.

Error handling

This is a checkbox field that is selected by default. If you deselect the checkbox, there won't be a log with an error leg. The Flow will proceed down this exit if an error occurred during the Step execution, such as an invalid API key, empty API key, empty required parameters, invalid required parameters, etc.

Timeout handling

Not handled.


This is a Step event.