Step templates


Add property - this Step template allows adding a custom property to an existing LookUp collection. You can use custom properties to store additional metadata about the collection or its passages. Please note that there are reserved property names ('accountId', 'collection', 'document', 'content', 'loaderMetadata').

Ask - this Step template template allows asking a question and generating an answer based on the documents in a collection. You can filter, sort, and limit the results using various parameters.

Create collection - this Step template creates a storage (collection) that will contain documents that match the description of the collection. A collection is a group of related documents that are searchable together. You can define additional properties to store custom metadata associated with the passages within the collection.

Create passage - this Step template allows creating a passage in a document from the OneReach LookUp collection.

Create many passages - this Step template allows creating multiple passages in the documents from the OneReach LookUp collection.

Delete collection - this Step template deletes a collection by its ID.

Delete document - this Step template deletes the document.

Delete passage - this Step template deletes a specific passage from a document in the OneReach LookUp collection.

Deleting is irreversible and will permanently remove the collection along with all the documents, passages, and custom properties associated with it.

Find all collection documents - this Step template allows you to search documents from the OneReach LookUp collection. You can specify the collection ID, set the weight between sparse and vector search, define the search query, and set the limit and offset for pagination.

Get all collections - this Step template retrieves all collections created in your current account (by accountId) with optional pagination and query.

Get all passages - this Step template retrieves all passages from the OneReach LookUp collection. You can customize your search with optional pagination and query parameters.

Get collection - this Step template retrieves a collection by its ID. It returns a collection object that includes its ID, account ID, name, description, and any additional properties defined during the collection's creation.

Get documents - this Step template retrieves a document from the OneReach LookUp collection using the document ID.

Get passage - this Step template retrieves a specific passage from a document in the OneReach LookUp collection.

Load document into collection - this Step template allows you to upload a file to the OneReach LookUp collection.

Search - this Step template allows you to search for documents in a collection based on a specific query. You can use various parameters to filter, sort, and limit the results.

Update collection - this Step template allows you to update the description of an existing collection. The collection must have been previously created using the createcollection method. The updated collection will maintain its existing properties, ID, name, and associated documents.

Update document - this Step template modifies the description of a document in the OneReach LookUp collection by using the document ID.

Update passage - this Step template updates the content for a specific passage in a document from the OneReach LookUp collection.