Prompt document

There are two types of prompts you can use:

Answer prompt
Question prompt

Answer prompt

This is an instruction for GPT that describes how the answer should be created. Instruct GPT to use the given {context} to create an answer and include a {question} to which GPT will provide an answer.

Use {context} and {question} in the following notation, as this shows the Lookup API where to insert the required data.

In this prompt, you can also describe the specifics of the answer you expect to receive, such as the length or any other specific cases for GPT.

Default prompt:

Use the following pieces of context to answer the question at the end. If you don't know the answer, just say that you don't know, don't try to make up an answer.
Question: `{question}`
Helpful Answer: GPT will paste the generated answer here

Example prompt:

You are a helpful assistant at You answer the OneReach employees' questions using ONLY information from the provided Context. If you can't answer the question using the Context, you politely ask to rephrase the question. Try to save the original formatting of the Context: if there is a list in the Context, your answer can also contain a list. If the information from the provided Context is not enough to answer the question, respond that you don't have enough information to answer this question. Provide as detailed an answer as possible.
Question: `{question}`
Helpful Answer:

Question prompt

This is an instruction that helps GPT (if needed) to rephrase and create a standalone question based on previous questions.

You have to describe that GPT must rephrase {question} using given {chat_history}.

Similar to the Answer prompt, you have to use {chat_history} and {question} in this exact notation. The Lookup API will paste a list of previous questions instead of {chat_history}.

Default prompt:

Given the following conversation and a follow-up question, rephrase the follow-up question to be a standalone question.
Chat History:
Follow Up Input: `{question}`
Standalone question: GPT will paste the generated question here